beauty · Makeup

Ankara Inspired Makeup Look

Hi guys, what is your inspiration? Great week I guess.

Yeah! I started with what’s your inspiration. What inspires your dress style? what inspires your thinking? What inspires what you do and how you do it? I am of that school of thought, which believes that ”there is a motive for any given action or words spoken”.

For me I draw my inspiration from everything around me, events etc. As a makeup artist, my inspiration comes mostly from Tree Leaf(color change transition), Ankara(Africa Print), House painting and modes/emotions. So on my way to the studio, some days back. I saw a beautiful gorgeous lady on a stylish multi -color Ankara dress. The Ankara has on it up to five different colors, you will be amazed how these colors blends in so beautiful.

The look below was inspired by the beautiful elegant dress, tho’ I could not get a picture of the Material.

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Products used: Sleek eye shadow pallete (storm), Mally Eye Shadow Prima, Davies eyebrow pencil, Maybelline gel eyeliner in black, White eyeline(cant remember the name), House of Tara blush pallete, LA girl pro concealer as foundation, Milani compact powder in medium, Rose matte Lipstick in purple, mac lipstick in orange(cant remember the name).

Now you know my inspiration, what is yours?…………….share below. Thank you for stopping by.

Remember, you are uniquely made by God.

Love you plenty♥♥♥

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